The Ancient Indian Art of Soulful Self-Care
Learn ancient Indian practices focused on cellular self care and self-devotion to feel whole, connected and fully resourced.
Would you like to feel radiant, healthy, and confident from the inside-out? Our natural rhythms and energy are constantly shifting, making it essential to prioritize self-care and inner alignment throughout the year.
“Puja’s work empowers women to trust their own inner wisdom and to use it as a guide to navigate through the stress of modern life. Consistently, women who participate in Puja’s process report their sense of vitality and radiance enhanced. Puja offers her gentle and confident leadership from a place of compassion, understanding, and non-judgment. Her approach is practical and offers common sense solutions in a package that allows us to sift away the mutterings of our ego and embrace the simple wisdom that can elevate us to our highest potential. I couldn’t recommend her work enough.”
“Puja helped me put my life back in balance. Before I started working with Puja, I was living for someone else and just plain unhappy. I had no motivation to do anything for myself. My work, health and wellbeing were being affected as a result. My life was unbalanced and I was consumed with guilt and inner criticism on a daily basis. Now I am a different person. I am happy and full of life. Sometimes my life gets unbalanced again, but I have learned how to navigate back to my centre. Puja’s work has guided me to the realisation that I deserve to be happy. I’ve learned to listen to my body and I’m fully aware that changing my inner dialog can change my outer circumstances. This has had a positive impact on my work, my relationships, my creativity. On everything, really. Puja leads by example. She is so full of life, so strong, and so balanced that she knows how to guide others to a more fulfilling life.Liz Ch”
“Puja empowers women to live in abundance and be successful by tapping into their feminine power and unique womanly qualities. From the program I learned deep self love, making self care a priority and felt empowered in general. Puja’s method comes from a place of love and understanding. She has a lot to offer and is full of powerful tools to share. Thank you for all you have taught me.”
Align yourself with self-care rituals that feel easy, fun, pleasurable and sustainable
Understand the difference between regular Western-style self-care and cellular, soulful self-care from ancient India that nourishes you from the inside out
Reconnect with the feminine aspects of you that might be neglected from work
and home responsibilities
Create a way to integrate daily practices that celebrate you on all levels: heart, body and spirit
Reconnect with your higher Goddess power and invite her guidance as you live and lead through ever-changing times
Would you like to step into this season feeling radiant, healthy and confident from the inside-out?
About this course