Imagine what it would feel like to anchor deeply into your purpose, activate your true power and accomplish with presence

We’re entering a new era in human consciousness. An era where women are stepping into their full potential and power as leaders. This calling to up-level their leadership and impact in the world is undeniable and irrepressible.

But we’re also struggling to answer this calling within existing, archaic systems. 

Systems that weren’t created with women in mind and don’t honor our unique gifts, perspectives and challenges.

Systems that have resulted in exhaustion and burn out for many of us.

Purpose Power Presence is a 3-week training program where you will learn powerful techniques to bring your best work out into the world without feeling depleted or overwhelmed.

How it works

You’ll have access to audio trainings along with play-sheets to download. You can start listening and take action right away.

What Women Leaders Are Saying...

“Anyone who wants to make an impact and difference in the world needs Puja on their team! Before this training, I was getting by but not really thriving or using my natural strengths because I wasn’t aware of what they were! The steps that feel easy and natural because they connect with who I am at my core. My income has also increased! ”

Jacki Oliphant

“My life was pretty hectic before the training, and I was dealing with a lot of limiting self talk and practices. I have let go of some emotional things that I was letting take up too much space in my life. Also I have developed habits that allow me to tap into my creative energy on a regular basis and subdue the daily anxiety that I deal with at work.”

Ashley Vaughn

“I have a renewed sense of energy, clarity and focus to move forward. OF course – best of all – it’s from a heart-centered place where my intuition and joy will be the most important factors moving me forward. As a result of this training, I have found renewed joy and playfulness in my everyday world. As a typical “Type A,” I have always been so action and task oriented that I had forgotten how to be gentle and relaxed in my work. I've worked less in 2017 but made more in my business.”

Lisa Beaury

Purpose Power Presence

How to awaken your leadership without compromising on your health, relationships or peace of mind. This training is for you if:

  • You have an undeniable urge within you to share your gifts on a bigger platform and create a greater impact.

  • Your work creates passion and a sense of purpose but you face an overwhelming to-do list every day

  • You’re full of creative ideas, and missing a clear path to generate consistent results

  • You want to embrace a leadership model that supports a lifestyle where you enjoy quality time with yourself and loved ones, feeling relaxed, vital and in the flow.

Begin your Impactful Journey Today

With our program, you can break free from exhaustion and burnout, and create the impact you were meant to make in the world. Join us and enter a new era in human consciousness.

Week 1: Purpose

In this week, you'll learn how to align with your true north and identify your superpower sphere. You'll also create unstoppable motivation and commitment to achieving your goals.

  • Align with your True North so you are crystal clear about priorities and can immediately decide what to say YES and (more importantly) NO to

  • Identify and stay in your ‘Superpower Sphere’ - that sweet spot where you feel in the flow - powerful, challenged, energized (also where time seems to stop)

  • Create unstoppable motivation, enthusiasm, and commitment to reaching your goals.

Week 2: Power

This week focuses on mastering the three power sources as a leader to avoid burnout, overcoming challenges with advanced mindset strategies, and developing a daily ritual to nourish your energy.

  • Learn about the three power sources that you must master as a leader to create without burn-out.

  • Overcome the one challenge that plagues every mission-driven leader with my advanced mindset strategy

  • Develop a daily ritual to nourish all four aspects of your energy so you’re never running on empty

Week 3: Presence

Here you'll learn the power of mindfulness and presence to intuitively move between tasks, access hidden productivity within you, and a simple trick to get out of any funk and stay in your natural, creative flow.

  • Embrace mindfulness and the power of presence so you can intuitively move or change tasks

  • Tap into a blueprint of productivity hidden in a (very) surprising but accessible place within you

  • Learn a simple trick to get out of any funk so you can stay with your natural, creative flow no matter what

About Puja

Puja’s work is an invitation for change makers, visionaries, entrepreneurs and leaders like you to step into a new style of feminine leadership. She holds an MBA, has over 15 years of experience in tech startups, leadership development, meditation and mindfulness. Born and raised in India, and currently residing in Florida, she’s passionate about bringing wisdom from the East to support purpose-driven women to explore their full potential without burning out. She has coached leaders at SONY, LinkedIn, AAA as well trailblazing entrepreneurs and small business owners from Canada to New Zealand. She’s the best-selling co-author of Unleash Your Inner Magnificence and 365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul. Her work has been featured in publications like the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, MindBodyGreen and ElephantJournal.

Course Curriculum

About this course

Imagine what it would feel like to anchor deeply into your purpose, activate your true power and accomplish with presence. We are now in a new era in human consciousness where women are stepping into their full potential as leaders. Don't struggle to answer this calling within archaic systems that result in exhaustion and burn out. Join us to learn how to up-level your leadership and impact the world.